Fashion is Evolution

This blog is a peephole into my passion for fashion. It dicusses current trends, fashion philosophies, favorite shops, particular items I'm coveting, and lots and lots of love letters to the love of my life: fashion.

Monday, March 19, 2007

There is something wonderful and satisfying about borrowed or inherited clothing. I used to loath the hand-me-downs I got as a child (mostly likely because they were from my brother and I wanted to wear things a bit more girly than dinosaur sweatshirts and boys sneakers), but now, I cherish clothing that has come to me from a loved one. At this very moment. I am wearing my friend Marisa's burgundy American Eagle hooded long sleeve tee-shirt. I will return it eventually, but at the moment it is keeping me company on a ski trip to Canada. Marisa and I share clothes a lot. Last summer, a few close friends, Marisa, Rachel, Erin, Sarah and I spent so much time together and exchanged so much clothing that for months we were finding pairs of Urban Outfitters shorts or Forever 21 camisoles in the back seats of our cars and, seven months later, not all clothing has returned to its original owner.

Often clothes are borrowed, but occasionally clothing is handed down to keep, and this is very special. About a month ago my movement teacher Susan, a spunky modern dancer with a deep and soulful maternal love of her students brought in a bag of clothes she didn't need anymore and wanted to give the girls in my class. We took it up to the 2nd floor lounge of the dormitory and joyfully sorted through her cut up tee-shirts, overalls, and fuzzy boots. I now have two tee-shirts and a sweater of hers that I cherish as precious gifts. Wearing her clothes is like being hugged by her.

There is something personal instilled in clothing. I have friends who, after breaking up with their boyfriends, couldn't bare to return his sweatshirt, and friends who couldn't get rid of it soon enough. A person's clothes smell like them, they may be slightly molded to their shape, they express their personality. Far more than simply fabric, a piece of clothing can harbor memories, love, and warmth. In fact, one of my favorite books, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was created around the idea of four friends sharing a pair of pants as a way of staying close over a summer spent apart. To share clothing is to share a very personal thing and it can be a beautiful, uniting act of friendship. Until next time.

Love. Evolve.

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